Juraj Kollár


Juraj Kollár studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague and at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design (VŠVU) in Bratislava, and has lived in Prague, Paris and Bratislava. He focuses mainly on paintings, the main topics are industrial landscapes, abstraction and figurative motives. His work is characterized by himself as diversity between accumulation and reduction of mass – by increasing or decreasing in the painting process, he reconstructs an ingrained perception.
Nominated by Silvia Van Espen, Zahorian&co Gallery, Bratislava.

Since 2011, the Zahorian&co Gallery represents young and established artists such as Adéla Babanová, Jiří David, Juraj Kollár, Jaroslav Kyša, Vladimír Ossif, Štefan Papčo, Jiří Petrbok, Ivan Pinkava and Lucia Sceranková. In addition to a rich exhibition activity in and beyond their own premises, the gallery also contributes to publishing activity in the field of fine arts. The Zahorian&co Gallery also participates in major international art markets.

Juraj Kollár študoval na Akadémii umení v Prahe a VŠVU v Bratislave, žil v Prahe, Paríži a Bratislave. Venuje sa predovšetkým maľbe, v ktorej sa zameriava na industriálnu krajinu, abstrakciu a figuráciu. Svoju tvorbu charakterizuje ako striedanie hromadenia a redukcie hmoty – narastaním alebo ustupovaním v maliarskom procese rekonštruuje zažitý vnem.
Nominovaný Silviou Van Espen, Zahorian&co Gallery, Bratislava.

Zahorian&co Gallery od roku 2011 zastupuje mladých a etablovaných umelcov ako Adéla Babanová, Jiří David, Juraj Kollár, Jaroslav Kyša, Vladimír Ossif, Štefan Papčo, Jiří Petrbok, Ivan Pinkava a Lucia Sceranková. Okrem bohatej výstavnej aktivity vo svojom vlastnom priestore aj mimo neho prispieva i k publikačnej činnosti v oblasti výtvarného umenia. Zahorian&co Gallery sa tiež zúčastňuje významných medzinárodných umeleckých trhov.


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