PechaKucha Night BratislavaVol. 36

PechaKucha Night Bratislava: Periféria

Dátum 25. januára 2017
Čas 20:20

A4 – priestor súčasnej kultúry
Karpatská 2, Bratislava

Prvá PechaKucha Night Bratislava v roku 2017 sa zameria na tému periféria. Príďte spoznať umelcov, tvorivých ľudí a iniciatívy pôsobiace mimo geografických centier či pracujúcich v okrajových žánroch a prejavoch. Vďaka podpore Grantov EHP a Nórska a spolupráci s PKN Oslo sa vo formáte 20 obrázkov x 20 sekúnd predstavia aj hostia z Nórska.

Vstupné 5 eur. Lístky si môžete rezervovať na

Boris Ondreička
Dáša Fon Fľaša
Diera do sveta
Dizajn na kolesách
Espen Tveit /NOR
Folke Järnbert /NOR
Chaloši Zos Spišskej
Kateřina Olivová /CZ
Miesta Mesta

Aktivita je financovaná z grantov Islandu, Lichtenštajnska a Nórska prostredníctvom grantov EHP. Spolufinancované zo štátneho rozpočtu Slovenskej republiky.

ENG: The 36th edition of PechaKucha Night Bratislava is dedicated to the theme of periphery. On the 25th of January, artists and initiatives that function in the geographical periphery or work with marginal genres, discourse, and topics will be introduced. Every speaker will present their work in the format of 20x20, so 20 pictures, each displayed for 20 seconds. Concise and eloquent presentations will present you everything that happens outside of the main centres.

The event is also the continuation of collaboration of the organisers from PechaKucha Night Bratislava and PechaKucha Night Oslo. Cooperation on dramaturgy, as well as sharing know-how and experiences is taking place since November 2016, thanks to the EEA grants. The 36th edition will also introduce Norwegian guests: photographer Espen Tveit and Folke Järnbert who will bring closer his six months lasting experience with solitary life in the Norwegian mountains.
Supported by a grant from EEA grants. Co-financed by the State Budget of the Slovak Republic.
