Radovan Čerevka

Radovan Čerevka lives and works in Košice. He graduated at the Studio of Free Creativity at the Faculty of Applied Arts TU (Technical University) in Košice, where he also teaches. In 2011, he finished his PhD. study at the Department of Intermedia and Multimedia at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design (VŠVU) in Bratislava. He is the chairman of the association Make Up Collective which covers the Make up gallery in Košice. Together with Tomáš Makar and Peter Vrábeľ, he is a member of the artistic group Kassaboys. He focuses mainly on objects, installations, drawings and collage. In 2013, he was awarded with the Oskar Čepan Award.

Nominated by the Make up Collective from the Make Up Gallery, Košice.
The Make Up Gallery has been run by a group of professional artists named the Make Up Collective. The gallery program focuses mainly on import of established domestic and foreign art of the young and middle generations, collaboration with a network of independent gallery institutions with emphasis on V4 countries, curatorial projects and education in the field of contemporary art.
Radovan Čerevka žije a pracuje v Košiciach. Je absolventom Ateliéru slobodnej kreativity na Fakulte umení TU Košice, kde v súčasnosti aj pedagogicky pôsobí. V roku 2011 absolvoval doktorandské štúdium na Katedre Intermédií a multimédií VŠVU v Bratislave. Je predsedom združenia Make up collective, ktoré zastrešuje Make Up gallery v Košiciach. Spoločne s Tomášom Makarom a Petrom Vrábľom je členom umeleckej skupiny Kassaboys. Venuje sa hlavne objektu, inštalácii, kresbe a koláži. V roku 2013 sa stal víťazom Ceny Oskára Čepana.
Nominovaný Make up Collective z Make Up Gallery, Košice.

Make Up Gallery od roku 2007 prevádzkuje združenie profesionálnych umelcov Make Up Collective. Program galérie sa sústreďuje najmä na import etablovaného domáceho a zahraničného umenia mladej a strednej generácie, spoluprácu so sieťou nezávislých galerijných inštitúcií s dôrazom na krajiny V4, kurátorské projekty a edukáciu v oblasti súčasného umenia.


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